Thursday, April 5, 2012

Tag Challenge

Hello there!!!
Well... my friend, Mita give me tag
Well... i must follow her instructions...
And, below is her order
  1. 12 things that make you cry 
  2. 12 your bad things
  3. 12 things make you angry 
  4. Give tag to 12 blog that you love 
  5. Give them homework 
Let's do it!!!

Well.... 12 thing make me cry???
  2. Pray to god (really!) 
  3. My little naughty brother (but more often he cried because of me) 
  4. Sad novels 
  5. Sad movies 
  6. Sad song 
  7. My family (sometimes!!!! Just sometimesss!!!) 
  8. Spicy food XD 
  9. Someone really really really hurt me 
  10. Remember something in the past 
  11. I don’t know, I can’t remember it (-_-) 
  12. I don’t know, I can’t remember it (-_-) 

Hahaha... after all... I’m not a kind of a girl that easy to cry. Even, actually I hate cry! I really really hate cry! The last thing that I want is let other person see me crying. It’s better for me to throw out, or bleeding or my favorites, scream and shout. It’s really difficult to make me cry I think. And, you must really really hurt me if you want to make me cry.


12 bad things about me? Well... it’s embarassing... but, it’s a challenge... okay then

  1. Always talk and talk 
  2. Childish 
  3. Egoist 
  4. Stubborn
  5. Drooling during sleep (okay, it's soooooooooooo embarrassing!!! But it's not always, just sometimes)
  6. Spoilt
  7. Fussy
  8. Eater
  9. Fat
  10. Short
  11. Careless
  12. LAZY
Well... i think there's still a lots of my bad things.... But i just can remember... I just trying to be honest...


Hmm... 12 things make me angry?

  1. Copycat
  2. Traitor
  3. My little Brother if he really disturb me
  4. The boys. who always act like they're deaf (so they never listen to me)
  5. The teacher (they never understand!)
  6. Not responding lappie
  7. Slow connection
  8. Have a task on holiday
  9. When my script can't apply well
  10. When my friends act like i'm a dumb
  11. When someone disturb my friend (because it's mean that they disturb me too!)
  12. I can't be on my world when i'm free
Well... yeah... i think just it... i don't know -___-
Ok... next!

And.... give them homework!!!

  1. Tell me 10 things that make you cry so much
  2. Tell me 10 dream that you have
  3. Tell me 10 that makes you angry
  4. Tell me 10 your bad habits
  5. Tag 10 (or more) bloggers and give them homework
Oh yeah... finisheddd!!!
By the way, don't forget to tag me back about your answer okay ;)
Comment please (never have comment)


Ratri Sekar~ said...

aaahh makasih amiik XD tapi nggak ku kerjain ya eh? males XD *digampar* yaya? maaf :((

LuQ said...

ga papa XD
ini juga aku dapetnya jaman baheula XDD

Bita said...

Thanks udah di tag^^ Aku kerjain yaa :D

LuQ said...

silahkan ^^

Aa said...

makasih loh udah ditag :)
tapi maaf nggak bisa ngerjainnya, lagi krisis modem, hehehe :D

tapi nanti bakalan aku kerjain deh :D
maksihh :*